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팝업 닫기


Un ensemble complet comprenant un grand nombre de pièces et accessoires pour un jeu créatif avec de grands modèles


Magformers Brain Up Set comes with magnetic pieces of various shapes along with a Carnival and a Siren. Children can develop their creativity and imagination.


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Basic Shapes

Triangle X 34
Square X 28
Isosceles Triangle X 10
Rectangle X 5
Pentagon X 12
Hexagon X 2
Diamond X 4
Trapezoid X 4
Super Triangle X 4
Super Square X 6
Xl Triangle X 12
Xl Square X 16
Xl Rectangle X 4
Xl Hexagon X 2
Xl Diamond X 4
Xl Trapezoid X 2

Basic Accessories

Insert Square X 18
Ferris Wheel Base X 1
Ferris Wheel Side X 2
Ferris Wheel Y-Shape X 2
Ferris Wheel Axle X 1
Ferris Wheel Circular Parts X 2
Single Wheel X 4
Wheel X 2
Boy Square X 1
Girl Square X 1
XL Hinge X 1
Cylinder Connector X 1
Arm Connector X 2
Diamond Connector X 2
Siren(Emergency Set) X 1
Ladder Holder X 2